These hands...

When I first heard this song, it was at a fundraiser for my children's school music program. We were sitting in the school auditorium listening to Singer/Songwriter Dave Gunning and this song came up and for me, it was hauntingly beautiful.

It spoke of so much potential and opportunity.

It spoke to the abilities of all people; and that each of us has a choice as to how we live, grow and make an impact on the world. It's a song about choosing what to do with our unique gifts, energy, and passions.

For me, this connected deeply to the things I think about regularly.

Here are some of those beautiful lyrics:

Some hands have held the world together
Some hands have fought in wars forever
Tell me what shall I do with these hands of mine

Some hands have blessed a million people
Some hands helped free the world from evil
Tell me what shall I do with these hands of mine

What shall I do with these hands of mine
What shall I do with these hands of mine
The world could use a hero of the human kind
So tell me what shall I do with these hands of mine

It got me thinking about what I do and my own personal mission.  How I find ways to express what it is I love to do and how I support others. 

Then it go me thinking that it isn't always easy...knowing what do to with your life - or in smaller chunks, how to take the next step in whatever it is you are absorbed in. Or, in the direction you want to be going in.

That next career move, finding a new job, knowing whether to move to a new house or to a new city. Starting your business, growing your business, and sustaining a business.

There are millions of decisions we make and choose to make, or avoid making.

How do we know we are on a path that most serves us, our own needs, vision of ourselves, fulfilling our own potential so we can excel in our own way? 

It comes down to our own self-awareness of our own dreams, desires and aspirations and making the decision to pursue these. It comes down to knowing what it is that will be a natural extension of ourselves or natural to our own development so we live to the potential that's inside all of us.

What will your hands do?

As adults some of us still question what we'll do when we grow up.

If you're in this boat, it feels much like you haven't figured it out yet - and you feel like you should have by now. It leaves us feeling unsatisfied and that you're the last personal to have it "figured out".

My personal opinion is that we evolve and there's nothing to figure out, but to allow ourselves to grow in new ways.  The idle feelings, lack of fulfillment, mid-life crisis, could all be signs that it's time to find a new ways to evolve.  

How might you explore, develop and explore into your areas of interest, curiosity and inspiration?

We aren't one thing or one way. What interested us in our 20's may not look the same as in our 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's and so on. We evolve and how we express our interests or purpose sometimes need to as well.

This personal evolution is powerful and great, but it wreaks havoc with our careers, jobs and businesses that may not be evolving at the same pace.

So what to do...quit? Look for something new? Start that business you've had in the back of your head? Look for a new job at your company? Stay the course? This is not an exhaustive list of all the options - not by a long shot.

But it can leave one with a feeling of thinking, "Do I need an attitude shift or do I need to make a major change here?"

I'll go into this more in another post but these questions need answers unless you want to explore with indecision! (Or maybe you're taking the route of avoiding them altogether...)

If you're motivated to do some work to explore these questions for yourself and you haven't done this already, check out the free guide I created to help with this topic, here.

Some hands can stop a life from dying
Some hands comfort a baby crying
So tell me what shall I do with these hands of mine

What shall I do with these hands of mine
What shall I do with these hands of mine
The world could use a hero of the human kind
So tell me what shall I do with these hands of mine

I want to sing it from my heart, I want to hear it in the wind 'Til it blows around the world, and comes back again All that we can ask, is for ours to be free To use them when we want, for whatever the need

Some hands give voice to a nation
Some hands wrote "The Times They Are a-Changin'"
So tell me what shall I do with these hands of mine

If you're having thoughts of discomfort, feeling like there's something else out there for you; don't shove them to the back of your mind, explore them.

Often times, we know where we want to go and we know what we want to do. It's having the courage to act. It only needs to be a small step. But, you need to take action nonetheless, to make it a reality for yourself. 

And, the world needs what you have.

Tell me, what will you do with those hands of yours?

NOW is YOUR time.


PS. If you're interested in this song (co-written by George Canyon) I highly recommend heading over to YouTube to hear it! Search for 'Dave Gunning, These Hands' and enjoy.

PPS. If you're feeling like you need to re-focus and re-boot your activities to hit your personal and professional goals before the year is out, contact me for a free consultation and let's get you moving!


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