Your business and the Holidays: managing Holiday stress

I don’t know about you, but recently, I’ve been witnessing a number of people who’ve been feeling stressed and very tired. It’s a busy time of year. And, it can bring out feelings that sometimes lay dormant throughout the year. It can be an emotional time for many.

On top of that, you’re running your business and you’re dealing with everything that normally lands in your lap, but you also have the added commitments that go along with the Holiday season.

I’d love to have a magic ingredient that could take this all this away for you and transform it into a feeling of peace, ease, and comfort for you.

What I will do is share some thoughts that I hope may support you.

Be kind – to yourself and the expectations you’re placing on yourself, and to others who may be having a challenging time and not ‘living up to your expectations’ – they are doing the best they can at that moment.

Be selective – what absolutely needs your attention, and what can wait or what just doesn’t need your input? What can be delegated or done differently?

Create space – in your calendar and in your commitments where possible. Where do you have control over what gets scheduled? Create any kind of space you can - a few minutes to a few hours. Inject personal time (to reflect, to get something off your plate, recharge, exercise, sleep more, see a friend, to generally focus on your personal needs) in every place you are able to – yes, this is even for you, extroverts.

Be intentional – If ‘stressed’ at this time of year is the last thing you want to be and feel, then consider – how do you want to be showing up at work or in life right now? How might you tap into another way of being? Intentionally cultivate those feelings & emotions, each day. Write a reminder. Take some time each morning to reflect on your intention.

Give – give support, give your time or donate an item to someone who needs it, give a compliment, give your full attention….What are you able to give today?

Our businesses are quite often a reflection of who we are as Leaders and Business Owners.  If you were able to embody some of the qualities above, especially at this time, consider the impact on youyour teamyour clients and your family.

Wishing you much ease in life and work,



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