Great books for your small business

Sometimes you just need a good book. And, if you love learning, a great book can go a long way in business.

If you’ve got a fellow business person or leader in your life and are looking for a gift that has the potential to make an impact for them, then this is the list for you.

Or maybe, in this season of giving, you’re looking to provide a gift to yourself.

Here are 4 business books that had a major impact on me and I know countless others.



A classic and foundational  for anyone who is building and growing a business. The difference between between a technician vs owner is so foundational that, even when you read about it and understand the concept, can be difficult to execute. But this is a foundational concept that every owner needs to embrace at some point in their business if they wish it to grow and be sustainable.

And, if it’s been years since you’ve read it…it might be worth a re-read :).


Profit First

This is such a practical book for business owners, I can’t talk about it enough. Whether you’re starting out or already have a sizable business, there’s something in this practical guide for everyone….especially if you’re not feeling ‘cash-rich’ in your business.

This is a must-read if you’re trying to figure out how to lead your business and keep your business financials healthy.

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Simon Sinek – start with WHY and Find your WHY

Ok so these are technically two books, but I didn’t want to highlight one without the other.

The first – Start with WHY, shares the importance of understanding your WHY and how it can guide you through your life – whether it’s as an employee, advocate, leader, business owner, etc. – pointing you in the direction of fulfilling your purpose, or ‘Why’.

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The second, Find Your WHY is a companion book that guides you through HOW to find your WHY. It has the practical steps that the first one just didn’t cover.

Whether you’re finding your WHY as an individual, as a group or for an organization, Sinek outlines the steps to take to uncover your core WHY.

The reason I chose these to share is that knowing your own personal why can make the path through life more focussed and fulfilling. And, following your own purpose, can guide you like no other beacon.

You can’t go wrong with any of these titles.

Happy giving….!

I’d love to know about other books that have made an impact on you. Feel free to hit ‘reply’ and share.

NOW is YOUR time.



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