There's no better time to cultivate the confidence for what's next

When I started my business, and I started writing my newsletters and blogs, I found myself signing off with the words “NOW is YOUR time.”

It just happened the first or second time I started to write. Those words came out on paper naturally (I often write on paper first and then transfer to my computer; my writing seems to flow better that way :)).

I was thinking about these words recently and thought about what I meant by them.

And, what I was reminded of came easily to the page (again). NOW is YOUR time, for me means that it’s time to cultivate the courage to take your next step now.

Your next step could be:

  • Starting your SECOND business

  • Trusting an employee with a large sales target

  • Hiring another team member

  • Committing to your personal goal to be intentional with how you plan your week

  • Being more assertive at work

  • Structuring your week so you have time for YOU in there

  • Leading your team confidently

  • Representing your company powerfully

  • Navigating your career strategically

What would it be like to have the courage to lean into any one of these powerful steps? Or maybe your personal next step is different; if so, what is it?

What’s undone for you right now?

This is why I adopted NOW is YOUR time.

There’s no better time than now.

Because now, is what we’ve got.

We don’t know how many tomorrows we’ll have.

So, if there’s something you’re putting off, there is no better time to get started.

Pause, take a breath, commit to doing it, and then follow through.

Can you act in spite of fear, doubts, or uncertainty? Yes, then you have the courage to do this.

That’s all you need to get started.

This is how you cultivate confidence.

What you need first is the courage to start. Then as you have practice and experience, this builds confidence.

So when IS next for you?

NOW is YOUR time.



To grow & scale to a valuable business, let go


This one thing is at the heart of scaling