We’re in the final quarter of 2021…what’s incomplete for you?

WOW - can you believe it’s the beginning of October already?

I can’t believe how quickly the year is going already.

The Fall is my favourite time of year with the changing of temperatures, the beautiful colours of the leaves and forests, and cooler sweater-weather (I love wearing sweaters!). And the food I associate with the fall are apples and apple pie, pumpkins and pumpkin pie and warms soups and stews with newly harvested veggies.

Thinking about the next few months also brings up thoughts about how I want to finish the year in my business and I know my clients think about this as well.

So what’s your goal for the remainder of the year?

Are you aiming to achieve a PB revenue-wise?

Are you trying to complete a meaningful project?

Are you aiming to meet and lay the groundwork with a strategic contact?

Or are you striving to refine a foundational process that’s been screaming for attention?

Whatever it is, what’s your strategy for getting it completed?

We have 3 months left in 2021 - the final quarter, the final 90 days.

If you’re not sure what you’d like to complete in the next 90 days, now’s the time to think about what’s important to you.

If you’re clear on what it is you’re trying to accomplish then, I highly recommend creating your 90 day plan.

A plan that chunks down your goal over the next - well, let’s face it, maybe even 75 days. (Things tend to come to a halt mid-late December, so 75 days might be the more appropriate timeframe.)

Itemize the steps and time that you need to complete the goal you want to achieve. Prioritize which steps are first and assign them to each week or over the next 2.5 months.

Breaking down a larger goal into very small, bite-sized pieces makes it doable and attainable.

The power move? Put them into your calendar and block the time off now.

Another power move? Determine what resources, help or support you need and get that lined up now.

I would love to hear what YOU want to accomplish before the year is out! What would you like to acknowledge for yourself as a goal? Please share it!

NOW is YOUR time.



Grow and scale by reclaiming your time…


How is your work-life balance/integration going?