What your business needs to fuel its growth and value…

Have you ever felt the weight of running your business?

Wouldn’t it be nice not to have everything resting on your shoulders?

Wouldn’t it be nice to feel supported and know that certain things are ‘handled’, and you aren’t solely responsible to make key things happen in your business?

I’m not a car person by any means, but this analogy popped into my mind as I was thinking about how I often hear (and experience) the challenge of feeling like you’re alone in your business.

When I think of my car, I’m not the one running it. I’m not a Flintstone with my feet on the road making my car go from my house to the grocery store or driving one of my children to practice. Instead, I steer and navigate my way there. But, I start by turning on the engine.

The engine fuels my car to go where I need it to go.

That’s the core of my client work. I help them to build their growth engine that creates a valuable asset that runs on its own. They still steer and navigate, but there’s an engine that, once built, will fuel the ‘doing’ of the work.

A critical part of this engine are the ways that you and your team do business; the special ingredients you add along the way: your values, your commitments to clients, and quality.

All of this is captured in your processes. Everyone has them. Whether you’ve thought much about them or whether they are documented is another thing entirely.

But your processes (among other ingredients) are key to creating your growth engine and a valuable asset that you can harvest as it accumulates wealth and capacity.

If you’re in the camp that doesn’t think much of your own processes or haven’t captured some key ways of how you run your business, then there’s no time like the present.

Click to download your Definitive Guide to Standard Operating Procedures. This is my gift to you.

Because I want you to build your engine and have it take you places that you haven’t been yet.

If you need help along the way, I’m only an email or a phone call away.

NOW is YOUR time.


PS: If you know of someone who would benefit from this resource, please share it with them. They can claim theirs here.


Is decision fatigue derailing you and your business?


HOW you grow matters