The path to abundance and opportunity...

I thought I would switch up what I normally share and turn the attention to cultivating prosperity.

Rather than sharing tactics, I’m sharing what I’ve learned and continue to practice in my life about the mindset of abundance.

First off…

Abundance: a very large quantity of something; plentifulness of the good things of life; prosperity.

Opportunity: a situation or condition favourable for attainment of a goal.

You give power to what you focus on.

What I’ve learned in my experiences about cultivating prosperity is that the nature of seeing abundance and opportunity is more about where I apply my attention and focus.

This is a collection of what I’ve learned and perspectives I practice daily to help me do that:

Seek out and recognize the good and blessings in your life.

Believe that you are able AND there’s a way.

Promise what you KNOW you can deliver.

Explore where your curiosity lies.

Embrace possibilities and wisdom in the failures, when you don’t win and when you fall short.

Value trying, aiming and challenging yourself more than the result.

Preparation is important and ease is possible.

Try not to solve a problem from your current perspective of today, but consider what your future self might do or how this situation impacts where you want to be 5-10 years from now.

These practices don’t mean I’m immune to life’s challenges or unjust events. It means I look for the opportunities to find or to utilize the abundance in my life to navigate difficulty, challenges or apply my skills, and what I know, to contribute to a way forward.

Reply or DM: What resonates most with you? or what have you learned or practice when it comes to supporting your mindset?

NOW is YOUR time.



The amazing truth of where you’ve been and where you’re going


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