How to delegate: Letting go…

Not an easy thing for a business owner to do.

As much as we think it should be a switch we can turn off - letting go of something we know we can do well, easily and quickly in our businesses - especially if that task brings in revenue - takes one critical piece.  


Trust has to be established. If you’re lacking trust….you won’t be able to hand things off.

And establishing trust goes beyond whether we believe our team member to have the best interests of our business at heart. 

There are components to trusting and letting go:

  • A Process - which guides the task and transfers your knowledge. 

  • Training - ensuring that the team member develops the skills, and 

  • Practice - a period of time when they get to shadow, be supervised, then fly on their own. 

Depending on the task and how complex it is, these three steps can happen in a matter of hours or weeks. 

This is what creates trust. 

Trust that the process itself works if it’s followed. Trust that the team member has the skills and knowledge, and they have experience with the process. 

We think of the team member as taking on new responsibilities, but walking through these components becomes a separation process for the business owner. Supporting the ability to let go in order to bring scale, capacity and space into the owner’s calendar.

What task would you love to get off your plate in your business?

I would love to hear it! 

NOW is YOUR time.



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