Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

UNLOCK the energy to focus

This is the next in a series of videos I’m sharing with you on the topic of ‘How to focus when it’s NOT business as usual’. And today’s specific topic is about UNLOCKING the energy to find FOCUS because it’s currently within you.

So for many of us, our professional roles may have changed significantly…and for some they’ve disappeared. And, we’ve taken on new roles like homeschooling and being an emotional support for anxious colleagues and employees.

It throws us into a strange situation of blending the personal and the professional.

When our circumstances are so uncertain and we miss and grieve for our old routines and structures it can be really easy to slip into the feeling of “letting things wait until this all over” OR ease into just “letting things go.”

We need a reason to get going each day professionally and we need that internal motivation to stay front-of-mind.

And if you’re struggling with that right now, of staying internally motivated, this video is for you.

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