Business Goals, Delegation, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Business Goals, Delegation, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

Building Your Business: The Critical Role of Future-Oriented Work

Are you caught in a never-ending cycle of day-to-day tasks, feeling like you're always putting out fires, and never making the progress you dream of in your business? You're not alone.

Many entrepreneurs and professionals find themselves trapped in the whirlwind of immediate demands, leaving little room for strategic growth. But fear not; there is a solution, and it's called future-oriented work.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the significance of focusing on future-oriented tasks and how it can transform your business.

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Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

How do you rejuvenate?

Happy May 1st. I simply wanted to take the time to send a note to say that I appreciate you hanging out on my email list.

And, I hope this weekend is filled with moments of ease and rejuvenation.

Filled with pauses where you get to slow down and just BE.

One of the topics that like to talk about, but haven’t in a while is the need for space and a sense of balance. Not work-life-balance, per se but creating a sense of space that balances and offsets the busy moments (ahem – busy stretches.)

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Business Goals, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Business Goals, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

The surprising reason your business growth plateaus

Have you been in the situation where, no matter what you do, you can’t seem to break through your revenue ceiling? You might be moving the needle a few percentages, but in general, your topline revenue seems to have stalled?

This is exactly the situation a very talented and accomplished friend was in when she was telling me the story of her business. She went on to say that no matter what she did (reminding me she already worked long hours) that she can’t seem to generate more revenue, year over year. Each year she thinks it will be different, but somehow doesn’t end up making significantly more to consider it meaningful growth.

I was asking her deeper questions about how she operated in her business and who and what brought in the most revenue.

“It’s me brining in revenue and I’ve changed up my services, but I’m not getting the type of growth I’m looking for.”

After hearing her story, I started to see a couple of reasons why she was experiencing a revenue plateau.

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