Business Goals, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Business Goals, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

The amazing truth of where you’ve been and where you’re going

When I graduated from University, I was incredibly fortunate to go back-packing across Europe, travelling through several countries.

For a time, I was with a friend, but then we went our planned separate ways and I travelled solo for a few weeks.

I remember one leg of the trip I was arriving in Prague, via train, with an hour to find my way to the hostel to check in before the front desk closed for the day. I had to navigate through a strange city and language to find the hostel where I was staying for a few days - all arranged over the phone.

This was a time of pay phones and phonebooks….and very limited internet!

I remember nervously studying my travel book in anticipation of the train’s arrival, mapping out my route in my mind, trying to picture and plan each step.

I had to take the street car from the train station, get off at the correct stop, find the correct street, turn at the next correct street and then the next to find my way. Finding the landmarks and proper streets each step of the way.

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Business Goals, Leadership, sales Ariana Elsie McNally Business Goals, Leadership, sales Ariana Elsie McNally

One ingredient to massive productivity that often gets missed

This isn’t a post about time-blocking or using your out-of-office responder strategically. While these can be effective strategies to put boundaries around your work, what I’m talking about here is a step before all of that.

First off - Is the work you’re doing…. the RIGHT work?

I can hear you saying – yes absolutely!

Before you exit out of this page, I want to challenge you to really think about that.

Are you doing the work that will move you towards your goal?

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