Selling your Business, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Selling your Business, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

Do you think creating a valuable business isn't for you?

If you’re a business owner and you think building a strong foundation that leads to a valuable business isn’t for you - then I encourage you to continue to read.

You see - there’s a strong link between the value of the business and the freedom you, as the business owner, experience in your business.

I hear from so many owners that the reasons they started their businesses were to experience some sort of freedom - freedom to do work they want, freedom to create their own schedules, freedom to work when they want, and to create financial freedom. Yet, many don’t achieve these things.

Freedom = Value.


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Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

This is a dirty word to many entrepreneurs.....

“I’m too busy growing my business to think about processes”

“Process stifles creativity in our organization”

“Process is considered a dirty word in our company”

I’ve seen too many companies suffer from their belief that if they put structure and flow into their business, their people will feel ‘stifled’.

You know what lack of process, or infrastructure does? It inhibits communication, reduces role clarity, creates inconsistent performance, creates uncertainty when problems arise, and slows growth. Unfortunately, the list doesn’t end there.

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