Does your business need more clients/customers?

This sometimes feels so elusive - where are they? How do I get more?

If you’ve been in business for a while then you actually have some data to draw on. Instead of looking outward, look inward to your previous experiences.

These experiences can tell you a LOT about how to find more clients/customers like the ones you already have. It can be a great source of information for you.

Consider a client you would love to do more business with. A client where you would like to work with 10 more, 50 or 100 more like them.

Look at how they found you.

Look at why they chose to do business with you.

Look at the results or outcomes they received by doing business with you.

If you don’t know the answers to these questions, this is a great place to start. Consider reaching out to some of your best clients and ask them these questions.

You will be armed with some excellent information to go forth and replicate. This information will help inform a go-forward strategy to find more clients just like your favourite client.

This is an often under-estimated and under-utilized strategy by many leaders and business owners when they are wanting to find more great people to work with.

We don’t always have to re-create the wheel. We can tweak and modify, but sometimes what we need is already there.

What has already worked?

Spend some time there…what can you learn?

NOW is YOUR time.


PS: If you’re wanting to discuss how you might add to the foundation you already have, firm up your processes for client acquisition, and establish a strong sales process, reach out to me! Email me here:


Making an impact on the world through your business


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