In spite of the strategies you may try in growing your business or stepping into a broader leadership role, having ideas to pursue is only half the equation for success.

Often we know what we need to do, but why is it so difficult to do it sometimes? To internalize it.

There can be so many reasons why we humans don’t do the things that are good for us all the time or don’t always make choices that support us, but one of those areas that we could bring focus to is our mindset.

Your mindset WILL support you to navigate challenges and is an important determinant of your success.

Carol Dweck, author of Mindset: , says that…..”Mindsets frame the running account that’s taking place in people’s heads. They guide the whole interpretation process.”

“The fixed mindset creates an internal monologue that is focused on judging.”

  • This means I’m a loser

  • I wasn’t born with talent in that area so I’ll never be good at that

  • This failure is further proof that I’m not cut out to do that

  • I could never do that

“People with a growth mindset are also constantly monitoring what’s going on, but their internal monologue is not about judging themselves and others this way. ….they’re attuned to …implications for learning and constructive action..”

  • What can I learn from this situation?

  • How can I improve how I do this next time?

  • The more I practice, the better I’ll get.

  • This situation is difficult, I’m up for the challenge and I know I can learn and get better from it

See the difference? One supports growth and learning and the other doesn’t. And, sometimes, we can have both mindsets depending on the situation.

When we explore new areas - and this comes up all the time in our work - how can curiosity and a desire to learn re-frame how you look at a particular challenge?

If this year has taught us anything, it’s that life is full of challenges. What would happen if you stepped into a growth mindset to see what you could learn as you experiment with new ideas, new strategies, new ways of looking at things.

Those with a growth mindset “reach ever-higher levels of achievement”; while, those with a fixed mindset “…may plateau early and achieve less than their full potential.” (Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck)

That’s not what I want for you.

I want you to expand into your unfulfilled potential to see how far you can go; to achieve your goals and exceed them! To go further than you ever thought you would. To be capable of more than you believed you could be.

It’s possible.

NOW is YOUR time.



Creating a sense of urgency in you and your team


You have more control than you think…