Have you ever wondered if there was another way?

Have you ever wondered if business could be done another way?

If your business, and your relationship to it, has to be the way it is?

If you’re in the camp that’s thrilled and love your relationship to your business, then keep doing what you’re doing!

However, if you’re in the camp where you’ve had successes but are thinking: How much longer can I continue with this? Then this is for you.

What if you could re-write some of the rules?

What if there was another way that didn’t require such a drain and strain for you, and you didn’t have to sacrifice growth and profits to do it? What if your business model supported and created the environment where the business supported itself versus feeling like it’s all resting on your shoulders?

Here are some of the symptoms of a business model that isn’t set up to support itself….and the people that work within:

  • Questioning of decisions, going back & forth

  • Not achieving important goals

  • More than normal complaints from customers and employees

  • Feeling like you’re spinning your wheels

  • Questioning if you can repeat past successes

I invite you to ask yourself:

1) What are you tolerating in your business?

2) If you were sure that your revenues, profits and growth were going to continue, how would you like to personally work in your business?

3) If you think about where you want to be 5 years from now, what relationship do you want to have with your business then?

In my work to help founders and owners shore up their business model, have a clear exit strategy and take a good long vacation, I notice that this question of relationship is an important one.

A world where purpose-driven companies excel and sustain through generations, making a lasting impact on the world.

I coach founders & owners to shore up their business models, get out of the weeds and grow sustainably so they can build a business that runs itself….while taking regular vacations.

NOW is YOUR time.


PS: If you feel you’d like support to explore a shift in your relationship with your business, then let’s talk.

We also have a resource for you that will support you in this area! If you haven’t already, download the “4 Degrees of Delegation” resource on our site.


Do you ever wonder what goals to set?


What your business needs but many don’t have…