Do you ever wonder what goals to set?

Happy New Year!

I hope this blog post reaches you healthy, happy and ready for what’s coming this year.

I’m hearing from some of you that you are cautiously optimistic but approaching the start of the year slowly.

And I’ve heard from others that you are ready and putting your head down with clear intentions, and you’re moving ahead with your plans, regardless of what else is going on (Omicron be damned!).

Whatever your thoughts are on beginning your year, I want to ask you about goal setting.

Do you set goals?

And if you do…?

Do your goals light a fire within and get you excited to hit the ground running?

If your goals aren’t generating that kind of excitement, I encourage you to take a look and see how you can write or re-articulate your goals so that they do.

Because, if you aren’t excited by the prospect of moving ahead with your goals, then why do them? AND, you lower your chances of hitting them in the first place.

So, be honest with yourself and throw away those goals that you think you ‘should’ have and set goals that resonate with what you want to accomplish in this world.

Goals that align with your values and purpose.

Goals that bring the best parts of you and your business to life in an even greater way.

Goals that mean you moved the needle in some way that helps you enjoy, savour and relish in your business, your leadership and your life!

One of my goals is to get my body moving in some way every day (at least 5-6 days per week). I know this will have a direct impact on how I feel, my energy level AND help me to bring my best self to my work with my clients.

There’s a lot of great lessons and insights I’m taking out of 2021 that I want to continue into 2022. I don’t believe goals are about throwing things away and starting everything brand new, but building on the accomplishments and successes, and all the good things that you’ve done.

Consider what you want to start doing.

Consider what you want to continue doing.

Consider what you want to leave behind and stop doing.

And, for you overachievers (you know who you are)…. the fewer, and more focussed your goals are, the better.

Here’s to a happy, prosperous and healthy year to you all!

NOW is YOUR time,


PS: If you have a friend or colleague who sets goals and would benefit from this, please forward it to them!


HOW you grow matters


Have you ever wondered if there was another way?