Your favourite book…

Do you enjoy reading?

I love to read. I’m slowly making my way through stacks of books that I have around the house.

An ideal vacation for me would be to sit somewhere peaceful and read. (Preferably somewhere in or near nature.)

But reading for me is a way to learn, escape, grow, expand, or deepen my understanding of the world around me and of myself.

While I love a great fiction novel I do read many non-fiction and professional development books. Some have really made an impact on my own growth and the growth of my career and business.

I’d love to share some with you today, but I would love to hear about books that YOU have read that made an impact on you.

“Seeing someone reading a book you love is seeing a book recommending a person.”

Profit First by Michael Michalowicz - I’ve highlighted this before and frankly it will likely stay high on my list for a long time as it’s not only pivotal to how I view the money flowing through my business, one can apply the principles to one’s own personal financial situation. (See your tax advisor or accountant for professional advice).

E-myth Mastery (different than E-Myth) - by Michael E. Gerber - This is an extension of the concepts he writes about in his original E-Myth book and it covers, as the tagline indicates: The Seven Essential Disciplines for Building a World Class Company. Even for small companies, there are foundational concepts here that align with my personal belief that if you build your business - as a business - from the beginning - you will have a more enjoyable and sustainable business to run. A true business is an entity that has structures and an identity beyond that of the owner.

The Untethered Soul - this, along with the two above, are worth reading (or segments) again and again. This is a book for the soul. This is a book that illuminates your relationship with your own thoughts and emotions. While not a business book, I included this here because we bring our whole selves to all that we do. And, if we learn and grow in the ability to work with and manage our own minds, thoughts and emotions, we bring a higher level of awareness and confidence to our decisions, actions and relationships.

What have you been reading? I would love to hear about it.

I would love to add more books to my stacks :).

NOW is YOUR time.



Growth is about less not more


Are you feeling confident about the future?