Growth is about less not more

When I was younger I loved to dance. (Well I still do, but I actually took lessons and performed in my youth). What I admired about professional dancers was their athleticism, their grace and their superb amounts of skill. The way they could capture an audience and tell a story through movement.

What I learned was in order to get to be so skilled and master their craft, they practiced all the time and often practiced the basics. Like a musician mastering and warming up with scales. It’s the foundational steps and method that help them to hone their craft. It’s focussing on the foundations of their craft that built the muscle memory and capacity that they have today. The ballet dancers always came back to their pliés.

When I hear and speak to business owners and founders today who want to grow their companies, some of them have all sorts of plans and initiatives. I always love hearing about their plans and vision. It’s inspiring. Until I hear about their method. That they’re pursuing all of these things this quarter!

Growth is about laying a solid foundation.

And, you can do this by focussing on one or two areas at a time. I know we want everything done now, but doing many things at once actually prolongs progress.

Applying focus allows you to build quality. And allows you to build sustainably. There may be a pause as you build, but once you’re done, it’s like you’re released from the gates and you enter the race.

So, if you’re concerned that you’re not moving fast enough, I challenge you to consider, what is the most critical one or two areas you can focus on in the next 1-3 months to build, develop or augment within your business that will support your growth?

Whether it’s a new service line, your standard operating procedures or a sales process; focussing on one thing at a time will serve you and your business much better than taking it all on at once.

This is how you build sustainably, ensuring your company can handle more in the future (if that’s what you want), and not burning yourself out.

Take a look at your projects now. Where can you apply focus and restraint? What is most important to work on first in your business?

If this is unclear to you, then let’s speak. You’ll walk away with the right next step for your business growth.

NOW is YOUR time.



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