From chaotic and exhausted to routine and growth…

I want to share a story about a business owner who was consistently feeling behind the eight ball…Always feeling 2 steps behind each week.

She was growing but everything was chaotic and she was exhausted.

She was struggling to deliver her services to her clients and grow her business - She was engaged in most of the business development, dealt with many of the clients and was the primary contact for any customer service issue.

She was onboarding a new team member yet because she was still a small business of only six, she was still wearing many hats each day.

Then, after working together, she was able to turn things around.


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Business Goals, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Business Goals, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

3 mistakes even high-achievers make in goal achievement

There are common mis-steps that I’ve made and I see others making. I’m highlighting them here so we can support each other in our collective pursuit of our personal and professional goal achievement.

Three common areas where even high-achieving professionals can become derailed:

1. Allowing urgent items to take priority over our schedule, nudging goal efforts aside.

You may be thinking - of course…it’s urgent.

Well, is it urgent for you or someone else? Many times what’s urgent for someone else lands on your plate with a deadline attached, creating a sense of urgency for you. Particularly if you’re in a line of work where this is the norm rather than the exception, this can be a challenging environment to pursue those important but not urgent activities, which is the category that many goal efforts fall into. But, note I said challenging, not impossible.

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Business Goals, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally Business Goals, Small Business Ariana Elsie McNally

The underutilized tool every business owner and leader has access to....

There’s a power and practice we all have access to that I would say is one of the most underutilized tools in our everyday toolbox….and I would venture to say, also in life.

First, here are some questions to consider:

Do you ever feel like your business or work is happening to you - a force unto itself and you’re not really in the driver’s seat?

Have you often wondered about the next step to take or how to navigate tough decisions?

Do you feel regular swirling thoughts of uncertainty and lack of direction or lack of focus when you think about your work or business?

Do you find yourself off course often - realizing that what you were doing all day or all week isn’t getting you closer to your goals or aligned with your vision?

Here’s the thing: I know how it feels to be uncertain about the next steps, to feel like it’s ‘hard’ to figure out what’s next or to wade through the noise and chaos of what comes at us daily.

I have found a simple tool and practice helpful and I wanted to share it with you today.

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Leadership Ariana Elsie McNally Leadership Ariana Elsie McNally

Being intentional in challenging times

Well - this has been a week of weeks! And, really, what a start to 2020 if you take in when this all began on the other side of the world (and it really technically started late 2019). There’s a lot going on in the world right now and I’m guessing many of us are trying to make sense of it all.

I am so grateful to our brothers and sisters around the world who are sharing with us what it means to find solidarity, to collaborate on information and who are contributing to the sense that we are all going through this together.

In uncertain and complex times and with a 24/7 news cycle, a virus that no one wants to get, and with unprecedented shut-downs for many, this is like pulling the rug of safety and security right out from under us.

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