Feel good about your business in 2021

If you look back on this year, how do you feel about your business?

Do you feel proud of your efforts weathering the uncertainty of this year? Do you feel frustrated or disappointed? Do you feel gratitude? Or perhaps a combination of all those things….

If you were to look ahead at how you would like to feel about your business in the coming year, what would come to mind? Accomplished, proud, successful, fulfilled……

Of all the things you could do in your business, often overlooked is how we want to be in relationship with the work we do and how the business can serve us and the people it depends on.

Particularly, if you’ve identified that HOW you show up in your business has a big impact on what gets accomplished and how the business does.

This is what I know about you: I know you’re motivated. I know you want to make a positive impact on others. I know you want to shift the thinking in your industry. Whether it’s just you in your business or you have a team, I know you want your efforts to mean something, that you and your work are making an impact overall to the well-being of the people you serve. I know there’s a big part of you who wants to make an impact on the world - in your way.

And this is a great place to begin as you consider your planning for next year.

As we are now in Q4, many of us are beginning to consider what next year will bring. We’re starting to make our plans, whether your goal is for growth or not, you may still have goals or objectives you’d like to meet.

How will those goals and plans be designed to help you achieve what you want to accomplish next year?

If you’re like so many creative and inspired entrepreneurs and business owners, you may have a beautiful jumble of ideas but not know quite how to bring them to fruition, especially when thinking about creating new results and wanting different things from your business.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a thought partner or a guiding hand to help you weed through to identify an impactful strategy for you and your business to follow? To have a conversation with to help you see the pitfalls or brainstorm ways to overcome challenges? Or help you come up with different ideas from the same old way?

If this is resonating with you, then this will too….

I would love to invite you to a one to one strategy planning day, were you and I take a deep dive into your business and create the strategic plan that will get you to your goals.

This is where you and I choose a time to meet virtually for either a half-day or a full day (with time for nourishing breaks) and we - together - work on your business planning for 2021.

So, if this sounds appealing and exactly what you’ve been looking for then hit reply with ‘more information’ or go here and tell me you’d like more information.

Think about how much you could accomplish having a supporter in your court who is rooting for your success, helping you think about creating an impactful year?

How would that feel to not be in it alone?

Let’s get connect and work on your business together.

NOW is YOUR time.


PS. if you are a current client reading this and are interested, bring it up in our next session together and we’ll make a plan to get planning!


You have more control than you think…


How not to be 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind'