What gets in the way of hitting your big goals?

This is a quick one today…:

I know you have big goals.

Many of you share them with me.

Consider this — WHAT gets in the way of pursuing those big goals?

Whether your goals are for exercise and better personal health, working on your business, starting a second business, spending more time in your personal life or building your team….what are YOUR goals that you would love to be spending more time on - big or small?

I have 2 questions for you to answer:

1) What gets in the way of pursuing your goals?

2) If you had more time in your business, how would you spend it?

Hit reply or DM me where you’re reading this and share your answers to these two questions - any responses will remain confidential.

I’m preparing tools to support business owners to expand the time they have to work on the important things. Your information will go a long way to ensuring those tools will maximize their impact.

NOW is YOUR time,


Canadian Business Coach, Business & Executive Coach in Canada, Leadership


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